Free Webinar: Document Validation in MongoDB 3.2

Defining MongoDB Document Validation RulesI’ll be presenting a free webinar on Thursday29th Octover – the new Document Validation feature coming in MongoDB 3.2.

Thursday, October 29, 2015
9am PDT | 12pm EDT | 4pm GMT

One of MongoDB’s primary attractions for developers is that it gives them the ability to start application development without needing to define a formal, up-front schema. Operations teams appreciate the fact that they don’t need to perform a time-consuming schema upgrade operation every time the developers need to store a different attribute.

Some projects reach a point where it’s necessary to define rules on what’s being stored in the database. This webinar explains how MongoDB 3.2 allows that document validation work to be performed by the database rather than in the application code.

This webinar focuses on the benefits of using document validation: how to set up the rules using the familiar MongoDB Query Language and how to safely roll it out into an existing, mature production environment.

During the webinar, you will get chance to submit your questions and get them answered by the experts.

The webinar is free but you need to register in advance here.

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